OM CHANTING The human imagination is a very powerful thing. Constantly thinking, or obsessively thinking can drive oneself into a dark hole. So yes, I do believe it is a real thing. You get enslaved to your thoughts and they can cause you to isolate yourself out of fear of your own mind. It could cause a person to be stuck thinking about the past and future, and that will get them into stress.There is something your eyes cannot see, but your mind can sense. Pursuing it will give you the highest knowledge, bliss, and realisation. It will keep you from running away, and see things as they are. Sounds great, right? You can experience it through a technique called Om chanting. WHAT IS OM CHANTING? OM is the mantra, or vibrations that is chanted in the beginning and end of any Meditation or Yoga Practice.While chanting OM we can really imagine the things which are in our mind. It gives us peace and pleasure. Om chanting creates positive vibrations in you. Om chanting is NO...