Nowadays Yoga is becoming popular all over the world.For restless mind it is solace, for sick it is boon, for common man it is the fashion of the day to keep fit and handsome and for kids it is fun and activity.Yoga is the trend alert and has come back to success like a boomerang. But what interest me is the process of implementing Yoga in kids. Because instead of altering adult minds let's focus on making the perfect minds through kids. Yoga is as essential for kids as adults.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a conscious process of gaining mastery over mind.Yoga is a systematic process fro speeding up the growth of a human being in his entirety. Yoga is a skill full trick to control and calm down the mind.Yoga is also the power of all creative endeavors (to achieve something) and creation itself.
Nowadays the life of human is becoming very fast and modern, they forget to take rest and thus yoga will help them to come out of the hectic life and make their life stress-less. If we start yoga from our early age then it is very much beneficial to us. So lets start yoga from kids. Kids too needs yoga.Every parents wants that their kids should leave healthy and happy, not just now but for the rest of their lives.They don't want that their kids should enter in the same hectic life as they are living, so lets start yoga from our kids.

How Yoga is beneficial for kids?

Today kids live in a hurry up world of busy parents, gadgets, malls and competitions. All these influences are stressful for our kids. I have found that yoga is the best exercise for the kids to get out of these pressure.If children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation and inner fulfilment then they can navigate their life challenges with little more ease.By practicing  meditation and yoga pose, kids can learn to develop confidence and concentration better. Yoga helps to maintain healthy body and flexibility.While practicing yoga kids can become strong,'Physically and Mentally' both.Yoga will help in improving kids concentration and sense of calmness.

Yoga practicing will teach a whole lot of exciting and fun based learning to kids which includes:

a) Kids will learn how to develop body awareness.
b) Manage stress through meditation and pranayama.
c) Increase positive thinking and confidence.
d) Learn how to synchronised.
e) Eating healthy - Eating healthy is also a part of yoga. Yogic diet is also as important as yoga. It will also help kids to grow healthy and fast.

Thus yoga will help the kids for their personality development.
Yoga helps them to come out from their attachment to electronic devices.
Now how to make kids do yoga is a big thing. Kids are very active and wants to learn something interesting but no problem, for them there are many animal pose yoga which they will enjoy to do. We can name them its a zoo yoga.



  1. That's really nice blog. I feel yoga should be treated as a mandatory practice for everyone including kids. Good one. Waiting for more blogs so that we can make our kids teach yoga.

  2. Nice one..Informative .. Waiting for more 😊 with kids yoga games too


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