"A healthy body and a disciplined mind are the base of
a human free from fear".

India, the land of mythology, spirituality and Ayurveda, is also the birth place of Yoga, an invaluable gift to the humanity. Indian scriptures richly describe Yoga as an ancient discipline developed by rishis and practised through centuries. The practice of Yoga is believed to have commenced almost 5,000 years ago. The first reference to ‘Yoga’ is found in the Rig Veda, the earliest of all the Vedas and also the earliest available scripture for mankind.Practice of Yoga not only enhances the overall development of the body, but also strengthens the emotional foundations of the mind and provides fulfillment to spiritual aspirations.
Today, Yoga is recognized worldwide as a great ancient art, culture and science of India.
Yoga should be adopted as a way of life and practiced as a daily routine for achieving the physical and mental health, one should be fully familiar with its spiritual depth and benefits for realizing the synchronization and harmony of body, mind and soul. The term Yoga has its verbal root as Yuj in Samskrta. Yuj means joining, In many yogic traditions, this union refers to the joining of the individual self (JIVATMA) with the Universal Self (PARAMATMA). It is an expansion of the narrow constricted egoistic personality to an all  external and blissful state of reality.

  Yoga is the science of right-living and it works wonders when integrated into our daily life. It works on all aspects of the person — the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.
 Yogic practises, done sincerely and regularly over a prolonged period of time will enhance the psycho-physical personality of the practitioners.

Patanjali defined Yoga as ‘Yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodhah’, which means
Yoga is the removal of the fluctuations of the mind”. Chitta is mind, Vrittis are thought impulses, and Nirodah means cessation.
Yoga is being practiced mainly around elevating the life force or ‘Kundalini’, which can be
achieved through a series of physical and mental exercises. At the physical level, the methods comprise various Yoga postures or Asanas that generally aim to keep the body healthy. The mental techniques include breathing exercises or Pranayama, and meditation or Dhyana to discipline the mind.

Yoga helps in achieving these following:

  1. Attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony among the three selves
  2. Self-healing: freeing the mind from negative blocks and removing toxins from the body
  3. Increased personal power and self-awareness
  4. Increased attention, focus and concentration
  5. Reduced stress and tension in the physical body by activating the para-sympathetic nervous system.

So practising yoga everyday, your stress levels will just go down. And will you find yourself interacting in the world much easier and better, in a calmer way. And there’s just a peaceful joy that sort of comes over you.



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